Thursgay | ||||
Time (est.) | Activity | Price | People Involved | Objective |
4:00 - 6:00 pm | Pick up Kevo | n/a | Grace | To bring our Queen to us |
6:00 PM | Southern Welcome Dinner - Mary Mac's or Busy Bee's | $-$$ | Everyone | To fill our bellies with delicious fried southern food |
8:00 PM | Get Kevo settled | n/a | Everyone | Time to unpack both of your unicorn pillow pets |
9:00 PM - 12am | Going Out - ie. Claremont Lounge, El Bar, EAV, Sound Table, etc | $-$$ | Everyone | Light libations and chill night out. The adults have work tomorrow. |
12:00 AM | Sleepytime | n/a | Everyone | ZZZZZZZ |
Frigay | ||||
Time (est.) | Activity | Price | People Involved | Objective |
9:00 am - 10:00am | Breakfast/Brunch - Belly's General Store | $ | Ken & Kevo | To only share 100 calories of sustanence between the two of us. |
10:00-12:00 pm | Hangout around VaHi, Piedmont Park, etc. | n/a | Ken & Kevo | To walk off all that we ate. |
12:00:00 PM - 1:00 pm | Visit Brandon at work/ Bietnamese lunch at Quoc Huong, Lee's Sandwich, or Nam Phuong | $ | Ken, Kevo, & Brandon | To fill in the Vietnamese food void that Kevo developed since moving to NYC |
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Nap or spontaneity time | n/a | Ken & Kevo | Neighborhood spotlights? Suprises? WHO KNOWS?! |
5:00 - 8:00 pm | Dinner Time | $$ | Everyone | Depends on what Kevo wants to eat - can venture to Duluth or stay local in town |
8:00 PM | Bask in fullness/ ge ready for a nighttime activities | n/a | Everyone | Retreat back to homes to get ready for nightime festivities |
9:00 PM - 4am | Night time activities - Minh's Bday party, Midtown, Reign, Gold Room, etc. | $-$$ | Everyone | To cheers to the freakin weekend. |
4:00 AM | Sleepytime | n/a | Everyone | ZZZZZZZ |
Saturgay | ||||
Time (est.) | Activity | Price | People Involved | Objective |
10:00 am - 11:00 am | Wake up | n/a | Everyone | To greet the morning sky! |
11:00 AM | Brunch - Highland Bakery | $-$$ | Everyone | To help cure our potential hangovers. |
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Visit Mary's Bday | n/a | Everyone | To celebrate Mary's birth! |
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm | Aquarium & Centennial Place | $ | Everyone | To reenact scenes from LL Cool J's film, Deep Blue Sea |
8:00 PM | Ken rejoins group; Homecooked Family Dinner | n/a | Everyone | To fill our stomachs, while keeping our wallets phat. |
8:00 PM - 10:00 pm | 30 Rock/ SunO's | $ | Everyone | To fill our slankets with farts |
10:00:00 PM - ? | Nighttime Activities - Noni's, Jungle, MJQ, etc. | $-$$ | Everyone | The last night before our Queen leaves, thus we must celebrate! |
?? Am | Sleepytime | n/a | Everyone | ZZZZZZZ |
Sungay | ||||
Time (est.) | Activity | Price | People Involved | Objective |
10:00 am - 11:00 am | Wake up | n/a | Everyone | To greet the morning sky! |
11:00 - 12:30 pm | Church time or other morning activity | n/a | Grace, Brandon, & Ken go to church. Kevo can join or meet up with Kevin & others for brunch time | To make Jesus walk, so we don't go to Hell. |
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Last minute hangouts, food, etc | n/a | Everyone | To savor our last moments with Kevo before he returns to concrete jungle. |
4:00 pm or earlier | Take Kevo to airport | n/a | Everyone | To send Kevo back to the North (Vietnam). Crying may be included. |
I love my friends!! I can't wait to see them tomorrow in ATL. It will be a Ciara, Ludacris, T.I. Weekend!!